Thursday 1 December 2011


From now ill just keep a running tally of screenshots. Describing the most of it is pointless.

Started work on the model. 2 days.

Wednesday 30 November 2011


For my second brief i chose the Vehicle brief as i thought it would be what i would be best at. I also wanted to try a vehicle again after my last proper attempt in first year. This time i wanted to do something different to land. i settled on the idea of an aircraft as it was different and physically interesting yet simple enough to do well in the time i had.


I was thinking of cool unique aircraft keeping in mind that if i needed reference i could get some.
I found that down in London they had a scale replica of an F-35a Jet soon to replace the harrier for vertical take-off aircraft. Its still in concepting and at the moment i believe there are 3 varients but i was doing the A class.

Thursday 24 November 2011


I wanted to make my own vibrant sky to go in my level and found a really good tutorial to do so. It also includes sun set up and rolling clouds.

Sky ref

sky panorama to polar co-ordinate sky map

The material details for the sky. Mad.

 The vibrant colours to go with a strong orange and blue theme.